Leslie Draper
Hi there!
I’m Leslie , and I’m glad you are here.
As Spirit guides, there is a lot of flow and change in my life and work.
Perhaps one of the biggest changes is this: My LightWorker Institute is now a non-profit religious corporation, and I have joined the CEEC as Spiritual Director under ArchBishop Robert Wise.
So I will be transitioning everything away from Bible Belt Mystic to My LightWorker Institute. I’m still the Christian Mystic/Bible Belt Mystic, but this work is bigger than just me and My LightWorker Institute (a non profit healing center and ministry) is here to help others.
If you find yourself needing inspiration, please find me on Facebook. I post daily inspirational videos, as well as stories and posts to help keep you inspired and spiritually fed. I also have a support network here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MyLightWorkerSupport/
To schedule a session, please visit my scheduling site: www.MyLightWorker.FullSlate.com
Schedule a Session with Leslie
If you’re thinking about a session, please check out the About Leslie page and be sure and read the testimonials (*note: there are 3 pages of testimonials: intuitive consultations, healing, and empowerment coaching).
I am also excited to announce that my work and life will be included in a book by Arch Bishop Robert Wise called Miracles Never Cease. Arch Bishop Wise interviewed several of my clients and even sought interviews with medical professionals to medically validate the healings that happened for some of my clients. I am very excited for the release of this book.
So please take a look around my website and be sure to follow/friend me on facebook. I’m sorry that I cannot answer every email or telephone message, but if you need a session, you can schedule it via my scheduling system (link above).
Also, one final note, it is no longer possible for me to respond to every phone call, text, or email. I get hundreds every single day. I have many roles: mom to 3 daughters, wife, PTA member, sister, aunt, daughter, friend and healer/intuitive/medium. There is simply no way for me to reply to hundreds of messages daily. But I encourage you to join the My Light Worker Support Network on Facebook and post your prayer request there. Many people will pray and send you love.